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IDT Logo
2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 Overall Grand Champions at Open Dance Nationals

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

The 2014-2015 "Just Dance" Program begins in just a couple weeks (9/18)!
All Dancers Need to be Current Students at 
Soaring Wings International Montessori School in order to register.
There are only a few openings remaining in the 
Creative Movement Class (3-6 year olds)
 and the Hip Hop Class (6 - 12 year olds)

Call or Text (435) 503-1303 to check availability in each class prior to registering.
**Register online using the form at the bottom of this site, and pay the deposit using PayPal.**

SWIMS "Just Dance" 2013-2014 Program was a blast!!
Come Join us for the 2014-2015 Sessions!!
Limited Spots Fill up Quickly:)

The official 2014-2015 IDT Dance Season begins in One Week (9/9)!! Thank you to all of the amazing IDT Dancers who are returning and welcome to all of the new IDT Dancers who are joining us for an incredibly successful 2014-2015 year of fun, learning, bonding and winning!!
While all IDT Teams are completely filled, names are being taken for waiting lists with a possibility of additional classes/teams being added to accommodate all of the new dancers. 
Please contact me as soon as possible for the opportunity to be a part of IDT! 

Remember when dance was fun?
Let's Dance!!

Three spots just opened up in the IDT Creative Movement Program starting three weeks from today!! (9/23) While each class begins at 2:45 p.m. with circle time and that day's curriculum discussion, dancing will not begin until 3:00 p.m. after all students arrive. Snacks are provided at the end of each class, and they will be supervised by at least 2 teachers at all times. Call or text today if you would like to reserve one of the final openings available in this fun, new program!
Remember When Dance Was Fun?

Let's Dance!